Wedding ceremony in the Botanical Garden
The garden is one of the non-traditional places where the couple can start a life together.
Many things need to be agreed for this important start to life to go well.
In the bottom paragraph you will find the most important information, but of course a personal visit and consultatiton is required.
Basic information for the couple
Place and time
Wedding ceremonies can take place all year round, on Fridays or Saturdays (outside the dates of our exhibitions and public holidays).
The wedding ceremony can take place in the garden at one of the three designated places (see the map of the area below), from which those interested can choose.
Two ceremonies can take place in different places a day, but not at the same time.
A tour of the area and selection of wedding venues must be carried out on a working day by prior arrangement.
The wedding ceremony must be agreed – it can be either civil (district-office Brno-Královo Pole to which the BZA belongs, Mrs. Adamcová – registry office, tel. +420 541 588 221) or church.
Booking and rental
For a valid reservation, it is necessary to choose the day, time and place in the garden as soon as possible.
The reservation is valid after mutual agreement of the day, time and place by the client and the BZA employee and is confirmed by the e-mail from the BZA.
No later than 2 months before the date of the ceremony, a written contract must be concluded at the BZA office and the payment for the ceremony must be paid (in cash or by transfer to the university’s account).
The rental price will be announced at the BZA office. The maximum length of rental space is 3 hours.
Technical conditions of lease
In case of bad weather, the ceremony can take place on the premises of the administration building, which, however, are not primarily intended for this purpose and need to be prepared in advance. According to the weather forecast, the couple will agree on the previous preparation of spare rooms.
During the ceremony, a maximum of 3 cars are allowed to enter the garden area at a pre-arranged location.
The prices includes the rental of the agreed space, in case of interest 230 V extension supply, table and chairs.
Photos of individual places in the garden
1. Solarium
2. Garden of miniatures
3. Terraces