In Botanical Garden and Arboretum are these parts
1. Around the Administration Building
1.1. Administration building and classrooms
1.2. Greenhouses
1.3. Tranches
2. Southern Slopes
2.1. Mediterranean
2.2. Caucasus
2.3. Southeast Europe
2.4. North America
2.5. Steppe of Southeast Europe
2.6. Ravine
2.7. Collection of Saxifrage
2.8. Alpine greenhouse
2.9. Terraces
3. Central Part
3.1. Willow collection
3.2. Water cascade
3.3. Oaks and rock gardens
3.4. Pergolas
3.5. Daylilies
4. Old Arboretum
4.1. Evergreen slope
4.2. East Asian perennials
4.3. The original collection of woody plants
4.4. Alpinum
4.5. Southern hemisphere plants
4.6. Highlands Garden
4.7. Weather station
5. Botanical System
5.1. – 5.8. Medicinal, useful, poisonous plants, annuals, domestic flora, grasses
5.9. Garden for the blind
5.10. Garden of miniatures
5.11. Monocotyledons
5.12. Asteraceae
5.13. Buttercups
5.14 Roses